Staying in Tune with God! Guarding our Hearts!

Dear Pastors and Congregational Leaders:

Welcome to our second in the series of GEB summer ministerial promotional letters.

God’s word tells us that the heart is incredibly important, and its condition is so critical that watching over it should be one of our top priorities.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23).

As your General Board of Administration, we are committed to what matters, and that is why we intentionally give our time to and to what we align our God-given calling and passions.

In our previous May 3 GEB Newsletter, we told you about our meeting in Toronto, and how our amazing and loving heavenly Father had responded to our time of repentance, worship, and praise, and reminded us of the need for new wine in the Vineyard.

 The Vineyard image appears throughout scripture, and  these scriptures reveal that God issues a special call, a personal relationship with His people, and it contains a covenant commitment to care for, and focus on staying faithful in the proclamation of His love.

The New Testament parable of the Vineyard teaches us to go forward in hope to the fullness of God’s Kingdom with the guidance of the risen Jesus. Yes, Jesus is the True Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser (John 15:1). The Church is God’s vineyard!

So, today, your GEB sends you another one or our SUMMER INFORMATION COMMUNICATION LETTER encouraging our partnership interaction with the Lord.

Bible history makes it clear to us that when God interacts with us it is not simply the times in which He speaks to us, but it is also the opportunities He uses to do something special.

Yes, the scriptures talk of instances in which the Lord SPEAKS to His people and also moments in which He ACTS IN THE MIDST of His people.

And this is what your GEB feels is taking place as a result of our recent Toronto GEB meetings.  God is speaking to the PHCC and across Canada He now is acting on our behalf.  And on our part, there are praying times, listening times, and God acting time.  

Always remember, God is for us, and we must acknowledge what God is doing.  Think about this... the greatest tragedy in anyone’s life could be that God would be standing in their midst and they did not recognize it.

And so, from Sea to Sea the PHCC unites in one accord harmony. What we love matters! We must value what God values, and that means getting involved fully in His Church. God loves His Church and values us all and we must play our parts in building His Kingdom.

 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).

God is for people of a nation who will call on His name and say, “God, reveal your manifest presence.” God answers people of a nation who pray and call on God to dismantle the workers of darkness.


The world has a special Day coming up, and IT’S not just “another day.” This is a “certain day,” one that has profoundly engraved itself on the mind of the Christian. It is the Day we know as the POWER OF PENTECOST! This Day throughout history recognizes the mighty interaction with the Holy Spirit - the Day

“when you shall receive power to be witnesses of Jesus” (Acts 1:8)

- to be filled with and keep full of the Holy Spirit. 

Yes, Pentecost Sunday is on Sunday, May 28. Canada, from coast to coast, needs to be praying!  We need a move of the Spirit.  We need rivers of Pentecost – new Pentecostal revisitations!  We can focus on chaos and crises in the world right now, or we can believe for an awakening of the Holy Spirit.

Thing about this question... “Has the Holy Spirit become a stranger?” We all need a closer walk. We need to experience His presence; truly encounter Him again.  We need the light and power of God to flow in our lives, homes, church – then to Canada!  If this happened, we would be rejoicing in new vineyard wine!

Remember... Christianity is a supernatural relationship. Pentecost Sunday 2023 takes place Sunday, May 28.

Remember... We are first Christians – our ultimate identity is in Christ! Secondly – We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit and stayed filled!

As your GEB, we are praying for every PHCC Pastor and Congregational Leader in Canada today.

Bishop Rick Mootoo

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent

Bishop Tom Halpenny

Rev. Richard Redman

Ontario Superintendent


As I join to intercede today for every PHCC pastoral and church member, I believe I am praying for the Promise we cannot live without.

Just like the early believers, we too need the same Father God’s Promise, so that we can accomplish all that He asked us to do to advance the Kingdom.

We thank You, God that with the gift of the anointing of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to effectively witness of the Light of the Gospel.

I speak blessing in every church family, so that we will continue to minister that richness of the Holy Spirit to all, filled with new wine, and fresh oil. And I pray that we will all be part of a Spirit-filled Church.

Acts 2:43- 43 -”And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.”

As the Believers, in the Book of Acts, prioritized prayer and waited on the Lord; they were in Awe when they received the Promise of the Father. The Spirit of the Lord moved, and many wonders and signs followed. Wait upon the Lord, He will move in your lives, your family and Ministry. You will be in Awe of God’s response.

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent


Hello Summer!! It’s Time to Be Intentional!
