Hello Summer!! It’s Time to Be Intentional!

Your GEB has a word from the Lord pressing into our hearts and we would like to invite every person in every church to join us in our pursuit.

We believe this summer is going to be a time of refreshing, focusing on INTENTIONAL EVANGELISM!  We must step out in faith and sow “gospel seeds” in full expectation of a harvest of souls provided from the Lord.

As your GEB we have heard already of various congregations across Canada that are INTENTIONALLY looking for opportunities to tell others about the Good News of Jesus!

We are standing with everyone who intends to share their faith with increased confidence, exercising persistence and commitment to Holy Spirit promptings. 

We know that people all around us are hungry for more of the Lord’s presence and for change in the circumstances of their lives.  And so, now is the time to INTENTIONALLY take advantage of the ripe fields in this upcoming harvest time.

What are we planting? It is time to step out in faith.  And to step out in faith we must make investments in time, energy, and resources.

This summer we believe that Jesus desires to walk with us so that we can INTENTIONALLY proclaim His transformational word of abundant life.

What will our SUMMER be like? Let’s plan to use what methods God created for planting and growing and harvesting.

Let us INTENTIONALLY share our lives in special ways and by means of the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can sow to the end of the season and declare a great harvest and growth in the Kingdom of God and that He will was accomplished in our own personal lives and congregations. 

Think about this statement...

“We are a people of faith – and faith is an action word!” So, we want you to share your plans that your church is planning as you believe for a SUMMER of REFRESHING!

We would be delighted to know how various congregations will be lovingly presenting to the local communities invitations to celebrate with joy! Let us all know your plans to help people escape some of the pressures that so regularly intend to try to stress all of us.

We look forward to your reporting on your congregations’ visions for a SUMMER of JOY, with your faith on fire, inspiring children and people of all ages. 

We welcome details about all various outreaches as church after church says, “Hello Summer,” scheduling a celebration timetable that let’s every community know “we all care” and desire to help make summertime livin’ festivities. You may be planning outreaches at the beach, summertime music concerts, celebrating with joyful offerings that involve all ages.  

If you would like to inform our newsletter editor about your intentions, you can do so by notifying Pastor Jerry Kendrick at the following e-mail address: PJKPH@gmail.com.

Please note that we also would like to spotlight your church with informative brief news reports.  Why not send us a picture of Senior Pastors and church photographs, along with address and phone number.

A Word from Bishop Rick and Bishhop Tom…

We are a family! We are in partnership with our Father God and welcome His voice of vision for Canada.  

As we walk the denominational vision paths of ways to connect with each pastor and congregation, we must always be faithful to pray!

We may all be involved in special summer outreach projects, but we must also be dedicated to SUMMERTIME INTERCESSION!

As your GEB, we know that “these moments in time matter” and it is a time to seek God and pray with passion. 

And so today, we are asking you to consider this promise from the word of God: “Call to Me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)                                                                                                                                          

This summer your God is asking you to a special time of SUMMERITME INTERCESSION. Let us pray, believing for personal breakthroughs and growth.  Let us believe for interceding prayer for Canada and a harvest of souls from sea to sea.

“Father God,

 Thank You for drawing us together this summer in passionate prayer as we seek You in continued worship and Your loving presence.

Keep Canada safe and all our family members in peace and grant us all an inspirational Summer of Joy! 

Today, we call upon You and stand on the promise from Your Word:

‘Call to Me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know’                                                                                 (Jeremiah 33:3)”.

As your GEB, we are praying for every PHCC Pastor and Congregational Leader in Canada today.

Bishop Tom Halpenny

Bishop Rick Mootoo

Rev. Richard Redman

Ontario Superintendent

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent




Staying in Tune with God! Guarding our Hearts!