Greetings from your GEB, as we enter mid-Summer, stepping out in faith filled vision activities.

From sea-to-sea, we rejoice with every congregation that is giving of themselves, their time, their energy and their resources to God’s Kingdom purposes – together we are believing for an Autumn harvest of inspirational blessings.

We have been praying that all of us are experiencing a Summer refreshing, free from fatigue or pressured situations, and that we enter into September anticipating new dimensions of family congregational advancement.

Our joy flows as we realize that we are partners in the Gospel, believing with one another for the enlargement of the spiritual boundaries of our promised inheritance.

We know that WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER, stirring up one another in love and good deeds, vision casting and impacting through biblical strategies always staying tuned to Holy Spirit prompting.

Yes, we are family, and we are believers whose heartbeat is centered around our relationships in Jesus and empowered to make a difference as we cover our nation with God’s Gospel truths.

We are constantly touched by the words of Jesus un John 15:5, I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing.

So, we take Jesus’ words to heart, believing He will ever lead us into dimensions of refreshing, empowering hope. “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake” (Psalm 23:3).

And so, now, as we enter August, and we will evaluate the SUM of SUMMER! We can believe that as we come to the end of this season, we can proclaim, “The sum of our Summer 2023 was abundant growth,” and the spiritual boundaries of our inheritance were truly enlarged. Together, we enter this Autumn with belief for open spiritual doors, filled with courage to say, “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


Yes, one more month of Summer and then September comes.

As we enter Autumn, we do so with great expectation of a wonderful new season of harvest, with every congregation voicing praise and thanksgiving for the continuing wonders of God’s grace and blessings that will flow through the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

We can tell you today that our GEB desire is to continue to SEEK HIS WISDOM IN PRAYER!  We desire to be watchmen... awake and alert!

Here is a preview of events coming soon in special information letters -

  • The Pentecostal Church of Canada will be presenting numerous gatherings, both in person and by ZOOM internet invitations.  In country, town and city congregational partnerships we will join in seeking the heart of God and gaining understanding of His purposes and will in our lives. More details will come your way in updates.

  • From sea-to-sea we will be joining together to pray together on a regular basis.

  • From Halifax to Vancouver, we will join in times of intercession making every effort to protect our families and church congregations.

  • From Nova Scotia to British Columbia, we will be celebrating what God is doing in Canada and God will continue to be “enthroned in the praises of His people” (Psalm 22:3).

  • The PHCC in Canada will launch a nation-wide PRAYER WALL. This PHCC PRAYER WALL will be available on the internet for anyone, anywhere, to post prayer requests, praise reports and share activities that are Holy Spirit prompted.

It is an opportunity for us to come together as family from coast to coast in Holy Ghost impacting faith.   More details will come soon!

Thank you for reading this letter and remember that your GEB is always praying for you!

Bishop Tom Halpenny

Bishop Rick Mootoo

Rev. Richard Redman

Ontario Superintendent 

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent

Pastor Jerry Kendrick

Maritime Superintendent


Supernatural Relationships


Hello Summer!! It’s Time to Be Intentional!